Beware of City Car Rental (CC Bílaleiga ehf.)

The Consumers´Association cannot recommend doing business with City Car Rental and Nordic Car rental.

The Consumers’ Association advises consumers to exercise extreme caution if doing business with the car rental agency CC bílaleiga ehf. (also known as City Car Rental).

City Car Rental ( has lost three cases before the Complaints board for goods and services (, an independent governmental board that pronounces rulings in disputes between consumers and sellers regarding purchase of goods or services. The car rental has announced to the Complaints board that it will not follow the rulings in any of the three cases.

The complaints against the car rental agency concerned cancellation, malfunction and objections to alleged car damages, and the financial claims ranged from 74,000 ISK to 215,000 ISK. Even though the plaintiffs won the cases, they have not been paid the compensation they were awarded, since CC bílaleiga ehf. refuses to abide by the ruling.

Nordic Car rental is under same ownership as CC bílaleiga. Together CC bílaleiga (City Car Rental) and Nordic Car Rental have refused to abide by the boards ruling in 4 instances out of the 9 refusals by companies. That is certainly not an indication of good business practices, in the Consumers’ Association estimation.

The Consumers’ Association rarely warns consumers against certain companies and does so only with good reason. The fact that CC bílaleiga ehf. will not accept the ruling of an independent governmental complaint board on three different occasions is reason enough.



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